The Becket Arts Center’s mission is to ensure that creative expression is a vital and vibrant part of the everyday lives of the regional community.

As a membership organization that supports the cultural and artistic needs of the Hilltowns, the Center offers diverse experiences that serve the full spectrum of artists, from the professional to the avocational, and arts appreciators, to inspire, educate, and enrich their lives.

Annual Membership

We rely on the support of our members to provide the programs and services we offer. Along with the rich, natural beauty of this amazing region, the arts, music, theater, and dance are all defining threads that make up the fabric of this creative and dynamic community. We hope you will stay inspired and connected with us as we develop a new format through which to celebrate the talents of our gifted and unique artists.

Upcoming events

Are you interested in volunteering? We need volunteers in our gift shop and when we hold special events. Use our sign-up form by clicking the volunteer button OR email us at

We strive to offer a diverse slate of programs to our members and the greater community. Many of our programs are free, but all are supported by membership fees and/or grant funding, and donations from YOU.

Do you have a proposal to teach a class,

perform, or engage with our community?

Please complete the proposal form with as much detail as possible.


About Us

The Becket Arts Center (BAC) is housed in the 1855 Seminary Hall in the historic North Becket village. BAC provides arts programming for all ages throughout the year, exceptional gallery artist exhibits, performances, and talks.

  • Jennifer Beatty, Executive Director

    Susie Ruiz, Gift Shop Manager & Program Assistant

  • Our Board is made up of a dedicated group of volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds. Joining our Board is a wonderful way to bring new ideas to our organization in service to the community.

  • We rely on volunteers to assist us in many ways.


Business Sponsors

Our Grantors